Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Lilette Jewelry: Artsy Magazine feature

Lilette Jewelry feature

Hours spent in her basement with mini pliers, feathers, chain links, spikes, beads, and so much more, has led 21-year-old Monique Brisset to create jewelry that cannot be described with one word. In this case, that’s not a bad thing at all. The designer of Lilette Jewelry has shown that one cannot solely depend on their good looks. Though she is stunning with luscious hair whether it be straight and silky or big and curly, Monique has bigger aspirations than building her life on her face and figure. The young designer is in her third year at New York City College of Technology where she studies Nursing. She has a plan and she is going for what she wants in life and she is doing this the smart way. Everyone needs a backup plan but in Monique’s case her Plan B is just as good as her original plan: to design jewelry. With such an artistic eye and creative mind, she refuses to let her dreams of being in the fashion industry be overshadowed by a nursing degree. Continue to read here